
Dive into a captivating gallery of artistry, where every stroke tells a story.


Metamorphosis & me

In the series “Metamorphosis and Me”, Amira’s personal journey takes shape through the interplay of three distinct colour categories. Each canvas tells a story, inviting viewers to witness their own transformation within the shades.

The Odyssey commences with the soothing embrace of green, symbolising experiences accumulated over time. It reflects the artist’s life, rich with memories, challenges, and growth.

The narrative unfolds through a turbulent fusion of blue, red, and purple. These passionate and intense hues represent moments of profound change, as the artist grapples with life’s complexities. The shades shift and merge, portraying the constant flux of existence.

The journey finds its culmination in the pristine simplicity of white. It represents the arrival at a place of peace and acceptance. The canvas is a sanctuary of serenity, where the artist has embraced their true self and the beauty of life’s ever-unfolding metamorphosis.The artist’s odyssey becomes a universal tale, a vivid reminder of our collective story through experience, transformation, and the ultimate arrival at a place of inner harmony. The pigments capture the essence of human existence, inviting viewers to reflect on their own colourful narratives.

Aleppo Series

This dedicated series is a testament to Amira’s unwavering commitment to preserving and celebrating the beauty of Aleppo. Each brushstroke is infused with memories, emotions, and a deep understanding of the city’s significance. Through her art, she aims to immortalize Aleppo’s old streets, ancient landmarks, and the spirit of its people, paying homage to a place that holds a special place in her heart.

With meticulous attention to detail, Amira brings to life the architectural marvels and the vibrant atmosphere that defines Aleppo. Her paintings evoke a sense of nostalgia, transporting viewers to the bustling bazaars, narrow alleys, and storied neighborhoods that have shaped the city’s identity.

Amira's Inspirations

Amira’s artistic journey extends beyond her cultural heritage and personal experiences, as she deeply appreciates and loves nature. Nature’s allure serves as a wellspring of inspiration that fuels her creative process and infuses her artwork with a profound sense of wonder.

Amira finds solace and inspiration in the intricate patterns of a blooming flower, the mesmerizing colors of a breathtaking sunset, and the gentle sway of trees in the breeze. Immersed in the serenity of natural landscapes, she seeks to capture their essence on canvas, allowing viewers to connect with the captivating beauty that surrounds us.

Her love for nature is evident in her art, as she masterfully blends vibrant hues, delicate textures, and organic forms to create harmonious compositions. In her ongoing artistic journey, Amira’s love affair with nature serves as a guiding force, encouraging us to immerse ourselves in its beauty, find inspiration in its grandeur, and nurture a deep reverence for the natural world that surrounds us.

Amira's history

Amira, born and raised in Aleppo, Syria, is deeply connected to her hometown’s historical and cultural roots. Growing up amidst the ancient streets and stones of Aleppo, she was inspired by the city’s vibrant heritage and the artistic traditions that thrived within its walls.

Amira’s paintings are a window into the enchanting world of Aleppo’s old streets and stones. With each brushstroke, she preserves history, evoking a sense of tranquility and timelessness. Her art captures the essence of a bygone era, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty and stories woven into each stone. Amira ensures that Aleppo’s magic endures through her remarkable talent, inspiring a profound appreciation for the interplay of art and history.

Her paintings transport viewers to a realm where history and imagination intertwine, leaving a lasting impression of beauty and wonder.


Feel free to get in touch

Amira Joudeh